
Investment Thesis

BXE believes that blockchain technologies have begun to fundamentally disintermediate traditional markets. Though, we’re still in the early stages of a multi-decade phase of digital asset adoption.

As well, digital asset markets are currently among the most inefficient in the world. As this market is largely dominated by retail flow with minimal understanding of underlying fundamentals,

Prices often do not reflect a protocol’s intrinsic value. With radical financial innovation and growth comes radical investment returns and opportunity.

Adoption Curves

Annual data source: FMRCo, Haver, IMF

investment approach

BXE Uses a multi-strategy approach, with a focus on quality and a highly liquid portfolio. The bottom-up investment selection, conscious of macro indicators, helps us prioritize investing in core infrastructure and picks/shovel plays.


BXE Capital combines core macro exposure and tactical long-only themes (picks and shovels) along with yield generation strategies to capture the upsides regardless of market conditions.

our edge

Our team’s experience is the key to our success. Investing in core infrastructure to capture the digital asset market growth in a diversified way offers the best combination of market exposure to our investors.